So, I have been able to nurse my son for the last 10 months and plan to continue, however there are times when I need encouragement. If your a nursing mom or have nursed, you know what I am talking about... The 1 or 2 hour breaks our breast get in between feedings that seem to go by quicker than any other hour of the day. The late night wake up calls from a crying baby and if your anything like me, that comes every hour... 2 if I'm lucky. Then there is always the extra cushion in our cups from those fancy little protective nursing pads, I guess a little extra padding never hurt anyone. All the things we endure just to nourish our children from our own body right? But what I failed to mention is the number of beautiful things about it. The deep stares I get back at me, his little fingers wrapping around mine, that closeness and cuddles for that time, the deep unexplainable connection I get to make with my son as we look into each others eyes. This is the encouragement I need sometimes when the times get tough and we all know that times get tough! Haven't you, at one time or another wanted to just say "no more" or "that's is these girls are mine!" "I can't take this anymore." I know I have and especially lately, it feels as though I have been feeding ALL the time, sometimes only a few minutes in between feedings and I know he's just doing it for the pure comfort of it. There are countless nights of little to no sleep and every hour wake up call to nurse, soothe and comfort him to fall back asleep. I thought to myself "he's not even eating!" It's in these moments of weakness quitting seems so easy, giving up on my real desire to continue. I had to dig deep and really ask myself, am "I ready to give in just because I am exhausted not to mention he now has TEETH?! The answer is no! The cries for comfort, the need for security, fulfillment, care and attention coming from my infant son are what I GET to give to him as a mom. I am his whole world. Yes, I feel like a human pacifier, a walking teething toy but the truth is I am so much more than a pacifier, a tool to soothe him momentarily, I am his everything! Don't we all love to be wanted, to be needed? I love having the quality time to connect, tune out the noise and absorb these little moments of a little human life wanting and needing me.
Sure there are times that my days are crazy filled with temper tantrums, spilled milk, mom, mom, mom and a tornado of toys that make me want to make a dash for the closest closet door to lock myself in and capture even just one moment of silence, but the truth is that it won't be too much longer from now that I will have a lot of silence in this nest and I will only have the memories of these days filled with noise to reflect on.
So find ways to renew your strength when you need it, find that little bit of encouragement to get you through because, you CAN do this. You are promoting comfort and confidence that you are there when that precious little needs you and until the time comes to part nursing ways, remember you are a warrior that has endured and survived nursing
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